Innovate to Propel Future, Phlexing Showcased in ICCAD 2022


In December 26th and 27th, the 2022 ICCAD (International Conference on Computer-aided Design) was held successfully in Xiamen,China. Phlexing was invited with its independently researched EDA Signoff solutions for advanced nodes process, drawing much attention from customers and fellow partners in the semiconductor industry.

As a representative of innovative EDA solutions in China, Phlexing was invited to present a speech on the EDA solutions for Chips' EM/IR-Power-Thermal collaborative analysis under advanced process nodes. Dr. Runjie Zhang, a senior product manager, pointed out that under advanced process nodes,the complexity of chips grow exponentially, and this brought the core issues of power consumption and reliability. He shared some of Phlexing's unique solutions in collaborative analysis in the Signoff process involved in advanced chip processing. He also shared Phlexing's experience in its exploration of accelerating the convergence of PPA.


In the Post Moore era, as IC design becomes more complex and the exponential growth of designing scenarios, designers, in the leading end of advanced technologies, face challenges about design convergence in a continuous manner. The issue of improving PPA realization through proper collaborative design in the convergence process of complex chips becomes a core problem for the entire EDA industry.

Phlexing's EDA tools revolutionize through fundamental computing architecture and support large-scale computing of millions of analog transistors, hundreds of millions of digital circuits and billions of computing scale, The tools include GloryEX high-performance RC parasitic parameter extraction solutions with Signoff accuracy, GloryBolt an analysis and solution for EM/IR reliability and PhyBolt complete power and thermal coupling solution. These tools build up the Glory large-capacity Signoff platform, with innovations instilled into each product to solve problems involved in designing devices, IP, SoC and IC systems.

In the future, Phlexing will continue to optimize its unique resources, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, and contribute more to the development of the EDA industry.

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