
Full-Chip Power Grid/Signal Line EM/IR Signoff Tool

GloryBolt is a high-precision, high-efficiency IR drop and EM (Electromigration) analysis tool that reaches the industry’s golden standard and verified by silicon data. GloryBolt offers full-chip reliability analysis of power grid and signal line. It can be used in super IC design of 100s million instances. GloryBolt offers full-chip Signoff precision analysis of power, current density, IR drop, Electromigration and reliability. With usability and user-friendly operation flows, GloryBolt helps users obtain analysis data for Signoff in a fast manner. Combined with diagnosis results presented in a detailed GUI, GloryBolt can guide users to precisely locate design weakness, evaluate chip’s design in a holistic manner and expedite efficiency of design iterations. The Signoff precision of GloryBolt has received recognition and verification of every major foundry. GloryBolt offers complete solutions for Static IR, Dynamic IR, PG EM, Signal EM, Grid Check. Entitled with its unique elastic computing structure, GloryBolt offers great capacity to conquer challenges brought by large-scale IC designs.
  • High-precision

    GloryBolt’s Dynamic IR Drop Analysis is built in with GloryBolt Power Library (GPL). Compared with lib, the GPL generated by GloryBolt offers more precise cell current waveform. Thus, the analysis precision of dynamic IR fits closely with the real operating conditions.

  • High-performance

    GloryBolt’s Distributed Machine Processing (DMP) solution breaks the performance limit imposed by traditional algorithm. When sufficient computing resource is provided, performance efficiency could be infinitely elevated. Also, the method of logic partition ensures the correctness of the boundary conditions when solving matrices. Overall, performance improvement is proceeded while accuracy level assured.

  • Verification by multiple process nodes

    GloryBolt has been verified by silicon data from China’s top foundries in different process nodes, including 28nm/14/nm and more advanced nodes. EM tech file and GPL database has been delivered to multiple design customers. GloryBolt has been used in multiple Tape-Out projects and received wide recognition from world-leading customers.

  • EM/IR analysis for multi-physics packaging

    GloryBolt offers integrated simulation for different packaging-Die. GloryBolt reads in Spice package netlist with RCLK and other parameters, and also reads in package netlist with pcb model. This helps GloryBolt achieves system level EMIR analysis of multi-physics in DIE-Package-PCB.


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